3-11-2024 | For Life? |
1-11-2024 | Travel ethics and dog in reverse |
12-29-2023 | Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeek |
12-18-2023 00:00:01 | Toto in the morning |
12-18-2023 | A slice of chaos |
12-17-2023 | Plastic pulling, Temper tantrums with Toto |
11-28-2023 | Talking about it |
11-1-2023 | Kids these days don't want to work |
10-29-2023 | Eulogy for an old man |
10-20-2023 | yay politics!? |
10-3-2023 | The z________ word |
10-2-2023 | The long road West, part 1 |
9-28-2023 | Moderately nice |
9-27-2023 | What are we drinking to? |
9-26-2023 | The first rule of moderation is... |
9-25-2023 | One less way to be suspended |
9-21-2023 | A good house flipper? |
9-20-2023 | Which came first, the fungus or the nematode |
9-18-2023 | Stronger what now? |
9-17-2023 | Ice cream Sunday. Isn't that clever |
9-16-2023 | Train!?! :\ |
9-14-2023 | Who lives NextDoor? |
9-11-2023 | love thy neighbor in moderation |
9-8-2023 | I'll sleep when I'm dead |
9-6-2023 | Going pro |
9-5-2023 | Making things to do |
9-3-2023 | Make it so |
_12-12-2023 | What season tis it? |