
Musings of a recovering...

10-10-2023: Not really about trash

When? Sat Oct 14th at 11am.

Where? See the map. Meet at SW corner of Fox park.

Why? Meet people, get outside

Lets go for a field trip. I often walk to the Smith's on Lomas/San Pedro via the alley that runs parallel to Lomas and avoids the need to walk so close to high speed traffic. Unfortunately, it's not the cleanest stretch. The alley is ripe for improvements with its overgrowing weeds, trash and broken glass. I'll have trash bags, gloves, a shovel, broom and dust pan. And I think I know where we can find dumpsters when we're done. What am I missing? Let me know!

In less than an hour, I bet we can make a dent or at least get a bit of fresh air.

The path

Before and after